Wednesday, January 29, 2014


I climb the eastern hills
and sing my songs,
or walk by the limpid stream
and weave my verse.
-- T'ao Ch'ien
(from, Going Home;
in, A Garden of Peonies, edited by Henry H. Hart)

Poetry is a Möbius strip!  When it references the outer, it reflects the inner.  When it addresses the non-physical, it correlates to the physical.  This "in-becoming-out" and "out-becoming-in" is the power of poetry.  Yinyang are not two opposites in opposition; rather Möbius in nature, continuously becoming the other aspect of itself.

T'ao Ch'ien weaves his verse.....a Möbius tapestry.  The warp and woof of the stream reflects his poetic cloth.

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